Matthew 6; Praying, Fasting, and Living without Worry

 Matthew 6; Teaching the People, pt. 3


“Another thought about prayer, God does not need to hear a bunch of flowery prayers, extra words, and repetitive requests. He wants us to talk with Him about what is on our heart. To let Him know what we are thinking. He does not listen to us because we speak well or talk a lot, He hears our heart. He already knows our needs before we ask. He just desires us to talk with Him.


“Pray like this: Our Father who dwells in heaven, glorious is Your Name. Help us to live as if we are in Your kingdom here and now, so that we might do what You desire us to do now, in the same way we will do when we get to heaven. We desire Your will to be done in our lives.


“Provide for us the food we need for today, and again tomorrow. Forgive us for the things we do against You to the same extent as we forgive others. Keep us from the temptations in life and when we succumb, deliver us. For the kingdom belongs to You along with all the power and glory forevermore.

“Keep in mind, God looks at the way we treat others. If we forgive them, He will forgive us. If we choose to hold a grudge against them, then He withholds His forgiveness from us.”[1]




T80 - Matthew 6:7,8; God knows what we are going to ask in prayer long before we ask it because He listens to our heart. However, He desires to have us talk with Him about anything that is on our heart.

T81 - Matthew 6:12-15; God pays attention to the way we treat others and uses that same standard on us when we ask Him for help.




C32 - Matthew 6:9-15; Jesus tells us how to pray with specific phrases and concepts.


To ask God to provide our daily bread is an acknowledgement that all we have comes from Him. We might earn money at our jobs, but where did the job come from. Much of what we have comes from the compassion others have for us and much of what they have comes from our compassion which we have learned from God Himself. Our picture of this comes from the Manna that God provided to the people of Israel in the wilderness on the way from Egypt to Israel. Daily bread also does not imply that God provides enough for us to store up and save for later, but it implies that we will always have enough for what we need today and enough to share some with others.


To ask God to forgive us in the same way we forgive others is a big step on our part. We are giving Him the freedom to use our standard of measure upon us in the same way we measure out judgment to others. We know that God gives us so much more than we could ever ask and in the long run He would like to see us treating others with the same kind of mercy and forgiveness.  We should change our giving, our forgiving, our mercy, and our generosity to match His in every way we can. This will not happen overnight, but it is a start to begin the process and continue until we are completely like Him.




·        Since God is so generous with us in providing for us, we ought to make the effort to become more generous in our sharing with others. We can do this through the church programs and our time and contributions. We can also do this through our learning to become generous in all we do including giving directly to individuals and to organizations that make it their purpose to help those in need. We do not need to get an IRS tax deduction for our giving to qualify for God’s definition of generous living.


·        This extends far beyond the need for food and other provisions. We need to forgive as we have been forgiven. We need to show mercy to all people, even those we might call our enemies. It is easy to show mercy to those who will show mercy in return, but God shows mercy to all mankind and often gets nothing in return. This is the attitude He asks of His children. This is the attitude that sets us apart from the rest of the world.


“When some people fast, they get all gloomy and do not take care of themselves. They want to be noticed by others. They hope someone will see how “spiritual,” they are. Well, like anything else, they have their reward as soon as someone notices. We need to fast but at the same time clean ourselves up, dress nicely, and keep our joy. This way our fasting will not be noticed by anyone except our Father who sees in secret. He will bring the appropriate blessing our way.”


     “There is no lasting value to earthly treasures, they are good for a while, but they can be eaten, or they will rust, or just get stolen. The lasting value comes from heavenly treasures which we can lay up while we are here on earth by doing good deeds for others; keep in mind, wherever we spend our earthly treasures is where our heart is. Is our heart focused on God?”   


“We can see into a person’s life through their eyes, if the eyes shine like a bright lamp, then there is clarity and goodness in the person. When the person is full of evil, the eyes usually seem clouded and dark. If our eyes are clouded, then the evil has taken us over.”


“There is a choice we need to make because no person can serve two masters at the same time, we will always hold on to one and turn away from if not against the other. We cannot serve God and material things at the same time.”[2]  


    Jesus teaches that the treasures of this earth[3], while they produce some joy and benefit to living, do not have any lasting value, they will fade away and we cannot take them with us when we leave this earth. However, we can lay up treasure in heaven[4]for when we get there. That is done though the doing of good deeds for others while we live on this earth.


Jesus says we cannot serve two masters at the same time. We will always honor one of them more than the other. The question to us is whom do we serve, ourselves or God? This implies that there is a deep connection between our spirit and our attitude to money. When we focus on the acquisition of money or the lack, we have, we step away from trust in God and His generous provision for us. When we focus our attention on the acquisition of the things of God's kingdom, we find that often Jesus pours out material blessings as well. Just do not become enamored by the blessings but stay focused on the One who blesses us.




T82 - Matthew 6:19-21; Heaven treasure comes from doing good deeds for others during this life.

T83 - Matthew 6:21; We can know about our heart’s true desires by looking at the way we spend our finances; on earthly things or on God’s work.

T84 - Matthew 6:22-23; The quality of a person’s life can often be seen in their eyes, are they shining bright or clouded and dark?

T85 - Matthew 6:24; A person cannot serve God and the things of this world at the same time. Whichever one they value most will demand all of their attention and they will leave the other by the wayside.            





C33 - Matthew 6:20; Choose to lay up heavenly treasures on this earth and avoid over attachment to the earthly treasures.


Jesus said, "There are plenty of reasons why we should not worry about our life, our food, and what we wear. Life consists of so much more than food, and the body has a far greater function in life than just being a coat hanger. When we look at the birds, they have what they need even though they do not sow, reap, or even gather. They are fed by the Father in heaven. And we have more value than the birds. Anxiety will not help us add a single additional step to the length of our life.”


“And think about why we fret so much over clothing. Look at the lilies and flowers. They do not work the fields, or make the thread, or even sew the clothing. Yet they are clothed with more splendor that King Solomon in all of his robes and riches. So, think about this, if God takes such great care of the flowers which are alive today and will be gone tomorrow, don’t we think He will care for us? What has happened to our faith?”


“Questions like what to eat or what to drink or what to put on should not fill us with anxiety when we know that God cares for us. People who do not believe in God spend their lives consumed with these things but our Father in heaven knows what we need.”


"When we have a choice, seek God's kingdom, and a life of righteousness and the things of the world which we need will be given to us.”


“When we seek a deeper relationship with Him and learn to live by the laws of His kingdom, then He will provide us with the food, drink, and clothing we need. My conclusion is this, “Anxiety about tomorrow is wasted energy, tomorrow will take care of itself.” Just deal with the circumstances of today, right now. And let God take care of us.[5]


Worry never seems to bring resolution to our circumstances. There is something happening in life that is deeper that the outward circumstances we see. God has said He would take care of all of our needs if we just let Him. We are more important to our heavenly Father than the birds and the flowers so He will care for you as well. And we do not have the ability to extend our live by worrying. On the other hand, we might just shorten our life if we add too much stress.


Jesus encourages us to change the focus of our life from being consumed with thoughts of food and clothing to thoughts of God’s eternal kingdom. Wear what we have in our closets, eat what we have available to us, and appreciate what God continues to do for us. He wants to provide for us, so we do not have to worry about these things.


Today has enough things to care about, we do not need to worry about what might come our way tomorrow. Afterall, most of what we worry about will never come to pass.




T86 - Matthew 6:26; Humans have more value than animals.

T87 - Matthew 6:27; Anxiety will not help us lengthen our life.

T88 - Matthew 6:30; God will take care of all our needs just as He does for the birds and the flowers.

T89 - Matthew 6:31; People who do not have faith in God, spend more time worrying about the future and their provision. Those who believe God to provide, do not have as much anxiety in their lives.

T90 - Matthew 6:31; Those who put the priority on living in the ways of God will find that the practical things of this life fall into place just like things are taken care of for the birds and the flowers.

T91 - Matthew 6:34; There will be troubles of some kind every day of life. Expect them and expect God to help us through them.




C34 - Matthew 6:31; Seek the things of God’s kingdom above all else.

C35 - Matthew 6:34; Do not feel deep anxiety about the future. God will take care of us. Tomorrow will have more troubles to think about so concentrate on taking care of today with God’s help.

Pastor Edd


[1] (Matthew 6:7-15)

[2] (Matthew 6:16-24)

[3] Earthly Treasures are defined as anything we can own on earth.

[4] Heavenly Treasures are defined as the good deeds we do on earth for Jesus.

[5] (Matthew 6:25-34)


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