
Showing posts from October, 2021

James 2 Living in the Good Way

  Scripture: James 2:12 We have a new law to live by, which is the law of liberty, and we should make our life decisions accordingly.   Title: Living in the Good Way   Last week, in my teaching from chapter one of James I titled the content as The God Way. In summary, James was encouraging his readers to accept their lack of control over the experiences of this life and turn their attention to learning to react to this life with the joy and wisdom that God provides to those who will ask. When we choose to respond with the wisdom of God rather than the reaction of human emotion, we find a happier life in the long run. God knows best what will come our way and He is ready and willing to teach us how to best respond. Life with Jesus becomes a series of choices, do I choose according to my human desires or according to my newfound wisdom which Jesus is teaching me.   Now, in chapter two, James encourages all followers of Jesus to walk in The Good Way, which c...

James 1 - The Source of True Happiness is Up to Us

  Scripture: James 1:5 When we have one of those days where we do not know how to live according to God’s will, we can ask Him, and He will generously supply us with the wisdom we need to make the right choice.   Title: The Source of True Happiness is Up to Us   Today I begin a five-week study of the book of James, who I believe was the brother of Jesus and head of the church in Jerusalem for up to thirty years. He would have been the head of the church when Paul made his journey to Jerusalem from Galatia to discuss the grace of Jesus versus continuing to live by the Law of the Old Testament. He would have also been the head of the church when Paul came back to Jerusalem at the end of his third missionary journey. It was James who suggested that Paul take four men into the Temple for the rite of purification and that led to the accusation by some against Paul that he took Gentiles into the Temple with him.   A simple outline of James goes by the five chap...

Ephesians 6: The Armor of God

  Scripture: Ephesians 6: 11 Clothe yourselves with the armor He has given you to fight the battle against the deceptions of the evil one. Title: The Armor of God 10 I have some concluding thoughts for you. Keep believing in Yahweh and let Him strengthen you.   Keep believing God is lovingly on your side. Let Him strengthen you to choose good.   Each day, and every time you think about it, ask Jesus to be with you. Ask Him to help you choose to do good over evil. You are free to choose, choosing good is seldom easy. You can choose, counteract temptation with the Word, resist the devil. Our battle is never about other people or the circumstances, it is a battle with evil. 11 Clothe yourselves with the armor He has given you to fight the battle against the deceptions of the evil one. God has provided armor for us, to help us in the offense and the defense of the battle we will face each day. The armor is a combination between offense weapons we c...