James 2 Living in the Good Way
Scripture: James 2:12 We have a new law to live by, which is the law of liberty, and we should make our life decisions accordingly. Title: Living in the Good Way Last week, in my teaching from chapter one of James I titled the content as The God Way. In summary, James was encouraging his readers to accept their lack of control over the experiences of this life and turn their attention to learning to react to this life with the joy and wisdom that God provides to those who will ask. When we choose to respond with the wisdom of God rather than the reaction of human emotion, we find a happier life in the long run. God knows best what will come our way and He is ready and willing to teach us how to best respond. Life with Jesus becomes a series of choices, do I choose according to my human desires or according to my newfound wisdom which Jesus is teaching me. Now, in chapter two, James encourages all followers of Jesus to walk in The Good Way, which c...