ACTS: What do we expect of others?
Scriptures: Acts 15: 10 "So, I suggest we not create tension for God by requiring other people to conform to a law that we could not even live up to or find any significant gain from. Acts 15:1 At one point, teachers arrived in Antioch saying, "You cannot be saved without following the customs of Moses, including being circumcised." 2 Paul and Barnabas refuted this teaching and spent long periods of time debating this question with them. The followers in the gathering in Antioch decided this matter needed to be settled by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem, so they sent a group there to resolve this matter. Disputes happen, even in the church today. The question comes up often, should there be disagreements between believers? Well, I can tell you that arguments carry great benefit if handled in the right way. If it becomes a time when we say all sorts of things we probably should not have said, we can end up having deep scars, growing bitterness, and...